Pain Piggy Wants More - Brooke Johnson, The Pope [HD 720P]

Pain Piggy Wants More - Brooke Johnson, The Pope [HD 720P]

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Categories: Pain / BDSM / Bondage
Video, Description:, Brooke, Johnson, is, a, submissive, little, pain, slut, that, lives, to, please, and, impress, her, dominant, master,, The, Pope., Brooke, starts, her, day, perched, on, a, pedestal, with, her, arms, pulled, behind, her, and, her, legs, bent, at, the, knees, while, restrained, with, brutal, metal, bondage., To, ensure, that, she, maintains, proper, posture,, her, neck, is, bound, with, a, nasty, metal, shackle, that, makes, it, impossible, for, her, to, slouch., The, Pope, goes, at, her, full, throttle, and, begins, to, work, her, skinny, and, pale, body, over, with, a, leather, riding, crop, and, his, fists., Brooke’s, chest, cavity, thumps, as, the, sadist, punches, her, ribs, and, tits., To, make, sure, that, he, has, her, attention,, The, Pope, applies, a, long, string, of, clover, clamps, to, her, pussy, making, it, burn, with, masochistic, delight., He, then, carefully, vibrates, the, clamps, with, a, Hitachi, until, his, she, begs, to, cum., Next,, Brooke, finds, herself, once, again, on, display,, this, time, with, her, fragile, neck, crammed, through, the, top, of, a, box., With, her, nubile, body, exposed,, The, Pope, electro-shocks, every, inch, of, her,, first, with, a, zapper, and, then, with, a, series, of, increasingly, powerful, cattle, prods., Noticing, her, predilection, for, snorting,, The, Pope, contorts, Brooke’s, face, with, a, nasty, head, harness, that, pulls, her, mouth, open, and, yanks, her, nostrils, upward., The, Pope, then, instructs, his, captive, sex, toy, to, oink, like, a, little, piggy, every, time, she, wants, to, be, hurt., We, can, see, the, cruel, sadist, crack, a, smile, as, his, submissive, humiliates, herself, over, and, over, again., To, end, the, day,, Brooke, is, strapped, to, a, long, wooden, bench, with, thick, leather, belts., The, inescapable, bondage, exposes, her, whole, body, to, The, Pope’s, torment, and, nasty, predictions., He, then, devotes, all, of, his, attention, to, subjecting, Brooke, to, intense, impact, play, with, a, cane,, baton,, and, leather, flogger., The, only, breaks, that, she, gets, are, when, The, Pope, climbs, on, top, of, her, to, choke, her, with, his, giant, hands, and, then, slap, her, face, as, she, gasps, for, breath., Satisfied, with, his, pain-pig’s, sacrifice,, The, Pope, jams, a, powerful, vibrator, onto, her, pink, pussy., Brook, Begs, to, cum, and, her, master, allows, her, to, release, a, tidal, wave, of, repeated, orgasms, as, he, chokes, her, out., The, Pope, leaves, her, panting, and, begging, for, more, abuse, and, ecstasy., Pain, truly, is, pleasure, for, a, girl, like, Brooke, Johnson.

Quality:, HD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 720,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1280x720,, 30, FPS,, 5023, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 44.1, kHz,, 2, channels,, 160.0, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:57:52,
Size:, 2.1, GB

Pain Piggy Wants More - Brooke Johnson, The Pope [HD 720P]
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