Young Goddess Kim: Out Of Time [FullHD 1080P]

Young Goddess Kim: Out Of Time [FullHD 1080P]

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Categories: Femdom
Video, Description:, I, lead, the, slave, by, a, chain, leashed, to, its, chastity, caged, dick., it, crawls, behind, My, divine, feet, and, takes, its, place, knelt, in, front, of, the, grandfather, clock, as, I, command., Today, I, have, a, unique, way, of, putting, it, to, service, to, Me, -, since, My, clock, is, not, working, and, I, am, waiting, for, it, to, be, repaired,, I, have, decided, to, turn, the, slave, into, a, human, clock., For, this,, I, require, the, chastity, cage, to, be, removed., The, slave, is, relieved, to, be, unlocked,, at, first..., I, order, it, to, stroke, once, per, second, as, if, it, is, ticking, with, each, stroke,, and, then, when, a, full, hour, is, complete, it, must, cuckoo, and, stroke, fast!, I, make, it, practice, in, front, of, Me, until, I, am, satisfied, and, then, get, ready, to, go, out, on, a, breakfast, date, with, My, gf., I, warn, the, human, clock, that, it, better, not, cheat, or, cum, as, I, have, set, up, a, video, camera, to, monitor, it, while, I, am, out,, My, gf, and, I, will, of, course, be, laughing, at, it's, humiliation, and, desperation., it, strokes, edging, for, hours, while, I, am, away!, When, I, return, I, notice, its, pathetic,, hard,, leaking, dick, and, tight, balls, just, begging, to, cum., I, tease, it, with, My, stiletto,, making, it, lick, its, precum, off, the, tops..., Haha, I, am, amused, -, the, clockmaker, couldn't, make, it, today,, so, My, human, clock, will, just, have, to, tick,, on, the, edge, all, night!

Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1920x1080,, 25, FPS,, 9631, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 44.1, kHz,, 2, channels,, 219.248, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:14:14,
Size:, 1003.4, MB

Young Goddess Kim: Out Of Time [FullHD 1080P]
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