Club Stiletto - Everyone had a Ball(s) - Mistress Mercy and Goddess Rii and Temptress Sam [FullHD 1080P]

Club Stiletto - Everyone had a Ball(s) - Mistress Mercy and Goddess Rii and Temptress Sam [FullHD 1080P]

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Categories: Femdom
Video, Description:, Mistress, Mercy,, Goddess, Rii, and, Temptress, Sam, are, at, it, again, and, inflicting, pain, on, their, sad, naked, slaves., One, slave, is, being, used, as, a, bench, the, other, two, are, secured, to, the, banister, by, the, wrists, with, their, legs, spread, so, the, Dommes, have, access, to, their, cocks, and, balls., Mercy, walks, to, the, far, side, of, the, stairway, and, when, she, kicks, the, slave, she, feels, his, pre-cum, on, her, foot., All, three, kick, him, then, Sam, reaches, down, and, rubs, the, cum, from, his, cock, onto, her, hand, and, feeds, it, to, him., All, cum, is, consumed, by, slaves, at, Club, Stiletto., “Eat, your, protein”, Sam, says., She, then, walks, behind, the, slave, and, knees, him, while, across, the, way, Rii, and, Mercy, are, taking, turns, kicking, the, other, slave, in, the, balls., Sam, comes, over, with, some, of, the, other, slaves, cum, still, on, her, hand, and, slaps, the, slaves, cock, and, balls,, hard, enough, that, he, falls, to, his, knees., He, is, ordered, to, stand, up, and, then, Sam, and, Mercy, both, use, their, hands, on, his, balls,, stopping, only, so, Rii, can, give, him, a, few, kicks., How, lucky, is, this, slave, getting, all, that, attention,, yet, there, he, is, crying, about, it.When, he, is, on, his, knees, Sam, and, Mercy, both, spit, in, his, mouth., Now, they, focus, on, the, dripping, slave., Sam, slaps, his, balls,, then, all, three, kick, his, balls, repeatedly., The, slave, is, hard, as, a, rock,, lol., After, numerous, kicks, Rii, notices, the, other, slave, is, being, ignored, so, she, starts, running, back, and, forth, between, them, giving, them, each, a, kick, each, time., Rii, starts, tugging, on, the, dripping, slaves, balls, and, slapping, them., Mercy, and, Sam, spank, his, ass, at, the, same, time., All, three, are, relentless, and, deliver, pain, non-stop, and, just, love, hearing, their, slaves, grunt, and, groan, and, cry., Lots, of, kicking,, kneeing,, slapping,, pulling, and, spitting,, these, slaves, are, going, to, be, feeling, this, for, a, while., Tired, out, they, all, retreat, back, to, the, human, bench, but, them, remember, they, have, ordered, a, pizza., They, run, downstairs, and, if, the, slaves, are, lucky, they, might, come, back, later, to, continue, the, torment.

Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1920x1080,, 30, FPS,, 14730, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 44.1, kHz,, 2, channels,, 195.435, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:07:24,
Size:, 789.77, MB

Club Stiletto - Everyone had a Ball(s) - Mistress Mercy and Goddess Rii and Temptress Sam [FullHD 1080P]
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