Club Stiletto - Lick while We lay here and Stink [FullHD 1080P]

Club Stiletto - Lick while We lay here and Stink [FullHD 1080P]

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Categories: Femdom
Video, Description:, Mistress, Mercy,, Goddess, Rii, and, Temptress, Sam, are, sitting, on, the, floor, in, the, dungeon, after, a, busy, day, of, flogging,, kicking, and, trampling, slaves, and, they, notice, that, the, room, has, a, bit, of, a, stench, about, it., They, smell, their, armpits, and, they, are, ripe., That, won’t, do, and, fortunately, they, know, slaves, love, licking, sweaty, armpits, and, they, just, happen, to, have, three, close, at, hand., They, call, the, boys, over, and, tell, them, to, crawl, up, to, lick, their, armpits, while, they, lay, back, and, stink., Sam, doesn’t, shave, her, armpits, so, the, smell, is, really, embedded, in, the, hair., The, naked, slaves, each, pick, a, pit, and, start, licking., The, Mistresses, encourage, them, to, lick, up, and, down, and, to, make, sure, they, don’t, miss, anything., Rii, is, a, bit, ticklish, and, giggles, but, she, does, want, her, pits, clean., Once, they, feel, the, job, is, done, they, send, the, slaves, to, the, other, underarm, to, continue, sucking, and, licking, there., The, slaves, are, now, laying, across, the, Mistresses, bodies, and, Sam, reminds, them, that, even, though, they, are, on, top, they, are, still, bottoms., Mercy, tells, the, slaves, they, are, not, to, brush, their, teeth, when, they, go, to, bed, because, they, want, that, taste, in, their, mouths, all, night., Sam, tells, her, slave, that, when, he, sees, his, family, tomorrow, he, is, to, breathe, right, in, their, faces., Once, satisfied, the, smell, has, been, licked, away, they, send, the, slaves, down, to, their, feet, to, massage, them., “Use, your, hands, and, your, mouths, on, our, feet, and, maybe, you, can, put, us, to, rest”, Mercy, says., It’s, been, a, busy, day, and, a, nice, long, nap, just, might, be, in, order…, while, the, slaves, continue, to, enjoy, the, tastes, that, the, Mistresses, bodies, produce.

Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1920x1080,, 30, FPS,, 16808, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 44.1, kHz,, 2, channels,, 195.527, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:06:33,
Size:, 796.38, MB

Club Stiletto - Lick while We lay here and Stink [FullHD 1080P]
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