Bondage Kitties: Bratty Princess And Friend Punish Her School Teacher [FullHD 1080P]

Bondage Kitties: Bratty Princess And Friend Punish Her School Teacher [FullHD 1080P]

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Categories: Bondage / Femdom
Video, Description:, The, naughtiest, student, is, back, to, screw, her, teacher, again,, since, the, previous, video,, Jack, has, always, approved, Persephone,, but, not, her, best, friend, Mayla., The, two, of, them, sneak, into, Jack's, house, at, dusk,, Jack, has, already, finished, dinner, and, is, cleaning, up, the, kitchen,, but, he, hears, some, laughter, coming, from, the, house,, he, looks, out,, he, sees, no, one,, his, imagination?, he, hears, the, voices, again,, he, looks, again,, horror,, in, the, middle, of, the, hallway, are, Mayla, and, Persefone, dressed, in, school, uniform,, staring, at, Jack,, they, attack, Jack,, Persefone, grabs, Jack, with, all, his, strength, while, Mayla, mummifies, him, with, duct, tape,, like, a, package., How, did, you, get, into, my, house?, asks, Jack, several, times,, the, girls, mock, him, and, gag, him, with, a, ballgag. , When, they, have, mummified, Jack,, they, give, him, a, second, layer, of, mummification, with, adhesive, tape,, from, his, neck, to, his, ankles,, without, leaving, a, single, piece, untaped. , They, have, managed, to, make, their, teacher, a, package, and, under, their, control,, they, can, do, absolutely, anything, with, him., The, girls, take, the, opportunity, to, humiliate, him, and, laugh, at, him, verbally,, drag, him, on, the, floor, and, take, him, to, the, bed, of, the, room. , Both, girls, take, off, their, boots, and, rub, their, feet, over, Jack's, mummified, body,, who, can, do, nothing, but, pray., The, naughty, students, play, with, him, for, a, few, minutes,, blackmailing, him, so, that, Jack, will, pass, all, of, Mayla's, exams, from, then, on,, with, excellent, marks., They, sit, on, his, face,, lick, his, face,, make, him, smell, their, feet,, tickle, and, different, things, until, Jack, agrees. , The, pupils, have, a, restriction, mask, so, that, Jack, can, only, breathe,, he, will, not, be, able, to, talk, or, see, anything,, they, put, it, on. , The, pupils, have, achieved, their, goal, again,, they, say, goodbye, to, their, teacher, and, leave, him, mummified, and, gagged, on, the, bed... , SPANISH, , La, alumna, mas, traviesa, ha, vuelto, para, volver, a, joder, a, su, profesor,, des, del, anterior, video,, Jack, ha, aprobado, siempre, a, Persefone,, pero, no, a, su, mejor, amiga, Mayla., Ellas, dos, se, cuelan, en, casa, de, Jack, al, atardecer,, Jack, ya, ha, terminado, de, cenar, y, esta, recogiendo, la, cocina,, pero, escucha, unas, risas, que, vienen, de, la, casa,, se, asoma,, no, ve, a, nadie,, imaginaciones, suyas?, vuelve, a, escuchar, las, voces,, vuelve, a, mirar,, horror,, en, medio, del, pasillo, estan, Mayla, y, Persefone, vestidas, con, el, uniforme, del, colegio,, mirando, fijamente, a, Jack,, ellas, atacan, a, Jack,, Persefone, agarra, a, Jack, con, todas, sus, fuerzas, mientras, Mayla, lo, momifica, con, cinta, de, embalaje,, como, un, paquete., Como, habeis, entrado, en, mi, casa?, pregunta, varias, veeces, Jack,, las, chicas, de, burlan, de, el, y, lo, amordazan, con, una, ballgag. , Cuando, han, momificado, a, Jack,, le, dan, una, segunda, capa, de, momificacion, con, cinta, adhesiva,, des, del, cuello, hasta, los, tobillos,, sin, dejarse, ni, un, trozo, sin, cinta. , Han, conseguido, que, su, profesor, sea, un, paquete, y, este, bajo, el, control, de, ellas,, pueden, hacer, con, el, absolutamente, de, todo., Las, chicas, aprovechan, para, humillarle, y, reirse, de, el, verbalmente,, lo, arrastran, por, el, suelo, y, se, lo, llevan, a, la, cama, de, la, habitacion. , Ambas, chicas, se, quitan, sus, botas, y, restriegan, sus, pies, por, el, cuerpo, momificado, de, Jack, que, nada, puede, hacer,, solo, rezar., Las, alumnas, traviesas, juegan, con, el, durante, unos, minutos,, haciendole, chantaje, para, que, Jack, apruebe, a, partir, de, ese, momento,, todos, los, examenes, de, Mayla, con, excelentes., Se, sientan, encima, de, su, cara,, lamen, la, cara,, le, hacen, oler, sus, pies,, cosquillas, y, diferentes, cosas, hasta, que, Jack, acepta. , Las, alumnas, tienen, una, mascara, de, restriccion, para, que, Jack, solo, pueda, respirar,, ni, podra, hablar, ni, ver, nada,, se, la, ponen. , Las, alumnas, han, conseguido, su, objetivo, otra, vez,, ellas, de, despiden, de, su, profesor, que, lo, dejan, momificado, y, amordazado, en, la, cama...

Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1920x1080,, 60, FPS,, 9972, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 48.0, kHz,, 2, channels,, 317.375, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:25:59,
Size:, 1.87, GB

Bondage Kitties: Bratty Princess And Friend Punish Her School Teacher [FullHD 1080P]
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