DungeonCorp - Down The Rabbit Hole - Angelina Black [FullHD 1080P]
![DungeonCorp - Down The Rabbit Hole - Angelina Black [FullHD 1080P]](https://s10.imagetwist.com/th/68446/6selszmgq9i8.jpg)
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Video, Description:, Angelina, Black, is, a, bit, of, a, newbie, as, far, as, bondage, is, concerned,, but, that, doesn’t, stop, Bane, from, pulling, her, down, the, rabbit, hole…, To, ease, her, in, ,, he, forces, her, to, strip,, an, act, which, should, be, second, nature, to, her., Once, she, is, nude,, barefoot, and, vulnerable,, he, wastes, no, time, in, ordering, her, to, lie, on, the, ground., She, obeys,, all, the, while, looking, to, him, for, approval, like, a, puppy, on, its, first, walk…, He, blindfolds, and, binds, her, wrists, and, ankles, and, begins, her, indoctrination…, He, punishes, her, with, his, hand, and, floggers, until, she, is, fully, aware, of, what, she’s, gotten, herself, into…In, the, next, scene,, he, binds, her, with, rope, standing, on, wood, to, ensure, that, she, is, in, constant, discomfort., Her, stretched, out, arms, give, Bane, the, perfect, canvas, to, work, on, with, his, “tools.”, He, lays, into, her,, with, whips, and, floggers…, after, introducing, our, new, little, slave, to, ball-gags, and, nipple, clamps…, After, she, is, nice, and, pink,, he, gives, her, one, more, “surprise”,, ever, heightening, the, fear, and, anticipation, as, he, hums, a, little, tune…., Bane, then, shows, Angelina, that, bondage, isn’t, all, bad,, she, can, receive, some, pleasure,, but, as, Bane, isn’t, here, to, pamper, our, slaves,, he, goes, right, back, to, pain., Electricity,, Intense, binds,, hot, wax…, Angelina, gets, a, lifetime, of, experiences, in, this, scene…., In, the, final, scene,, we, put, her, to, the, test, seeing, if, she, can, please, our, camera, man, while, still, enduring, excruciating, pain, at, the, devious, hands, of, our, Master…, She, proves, to, be, worthy, so, she, is, allowed, to, cum,, however, she, must, wait, until, she, has, finished, with, the, camera, man., All, in, all,, this, is, a, slave, we, would, love, to, use, again…
Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1920x1080,, 30.0, FPS,, 4443, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 48.0, kHz,, 2, channels,, 317.452, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:47:27,
Size:, 1.58, GB
Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1920x1080,, 30.0, FPS,, 4443, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 48.0, kHz,, 2, channels,, 317.452, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:47:27,
Size:, 1.58, GB
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