DungeonCorp - Sophia Fucked in The Dungeon, 1 - Sophia Bella [FullHD 1080P]

DungeonCorp - Sophia Fucked in The Dungeon, 1 - Sophia Bella [FullHD 1080P]

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Categories: BDSM / Bondage
Video, Description:, Sophia’s, initiation, into, the, Dungeon, is, an, intense, one, as, she, balances, precariously., Master, Davis, issues, the, orders, in, no, uncertain, terms, and, one, way, or, another,, Sophia, shall, abide., He’s, fluent, with, the, whip,, a, language, that, Sophia, will, soon, understand., She, seems, a, bit, coy, at, first,, but, an, attitude, adjustment, is, in, order, as, her, flesh, is, reddened., The, first, order, of, the, day, is, to, keep, the, vibrator, held, between, her, legs, as, she, takes, her, lashings., The, first, orgasmic, wave, hits, and, it, hits, hard,, so, hard, in, fact, that, it, may, leave, the, average, viewer, speechless., When, Sophia, begs, for, more,, she, opens, up, the, gates, to, a, whole, new, world, as, she, finds, herself, in, places, she, had, never, imagined., With, her, pussy, soaking, and, ripe, for, the, taking,, her, Master, mounts, her, and, a, furious, fucking, ensues…

Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1920x1080,, 30.0, FPS,, 4431, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 48.0, kHz,, 2, channels,, 317.545, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:26:57,
Size:, 916.8, MB

DungeonCorp - Sophia Fucked in The Dungeon, 1 - Sophia Bella [FullHD 1080P]
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