Mistress Iside: Boot Shiners And Leather Taste [FullHD 1080P]

Mistress Iside: Boot Shiners And Leather Taste [FullHD 1080P]

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Categories: BDSM / Femdom
Video, Description:, The, sun, shines, high, in, the, sky, and, the, pool, reflects, the, rays, with, plays, of, light, that, make, the, atmosphere, even, more, pleasant., My, friend, and, I, are, sitting, while, we, are, wearing, beautiful, leather, boots, that, need, special, attention., We, call, our, boot, shiners, with, a, nod,, they, are, here, for, this, reason, and, it, is, time, to, show, all, their, dedication, to, what, they, have, been, trained, to., The, tongues, begin, to, slide, with, a, sinuous, movement, that, follows, the, curves, of, the, boot,, starting, from, the, tip, and, then, rising, higher, and, higher., Each, lick, must, be, slow, and, focus,, with, perfect, pressure, to, test, every, millimeter, of, the, surface., We, want, to, see, our, reflex, on, the, boots, and, for, this, reason, they, will, have, to, perform, the, task, with, maximum, commitment!!!, Now, it, is, time, to, move, on, to, the, heel, and, then, the, sole., All, the, dirt, must, be, removed, and, the, tongue, has, to, be, like, a, brush, that, moves, back, and, forth, tirelessly..., Meanwhile, the, very, small, dick, of, one, of, them, begins, to, have, what, we, can, call, an, erection., It, almost, looks, like, a, small, clitoris., Now, the, fun, begins..., My, friend, and, I, have, some, really, interesting, ideas... , Il, sole, brilla, alto, nel, cielo, e, la, piscina, riflette, i, raggi, con, giochi, di, luce, che, rendono, l'atmosfera, ancora, piu, piacevole., Io, e, la, mia, amica, siamo, sedute, mentre, indossiamo, dei, bellissimi, stivali, in, pelle, che, necessitano, di, particolare, attenzione., Richiamiamo, i, nostri, lustrastivali, con, un, gesto,, sono, qui, per, questo, ed, e, ora, di, dimostrare, tutta, la, loro, dedizione, in, cio, che, sono, stati, addestrati, a, fare., Le, lingue, iniziano, a, scorrere, con, un, movimento, sinuoso, che, segue, le, curve, dello, stivale,, partendo, dalla, punta, per, poi, salire, sempre, piu, su., Ogni, leccata, deve, essere, lenta, e, studiata,, con, una, pressione, perfetta, per, saggiare, ogni, millimetro, della, superficie., Vogliamo, vedere, il, nostro, bellissimo, riflesso, e, per, questo, dovranno, eseguire, il, compito, con, il, massimo, impegno!!!, Adesso, e, il, momento, di, passare, al, tacco, e, poi, alla, suola., Tutto, lo, sporco, deve, essere, rimosso, e, la, lingua, deve, essere, simile, ad, una, spazzola, che, si, muove, avanti, e, indietro, in, modo, instancabile, Intanto, il, cazzetto, piccolissimo, di, uno, dei, due, inizia, ad, avere, quello, che, possiamo, definire, un'erezione.., Sembra, quasi, un, piccolo, clitoride., Adesso, si, che, inizia, il, bello..., Io, e, la, mia, amica, abbiamo, delle, idee, davvero, interessanti...

Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1920x1080,, 30.0, FPS,, 7424, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 48.0, kHz,, 2, channels,, 317.375, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:07:53,
Size:, 436.92, MB

Mistress Iside: Boot Shiners And Leather Taste [FullHD 1080P]
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