Lady Dark Angel Uk: Slave Sings The Blues Under The Lady'S Boots [FullHD 1080P]

Lady Dark Angel Uk: Slave Sings The Blues Under The Lady'S Boots [FullHD 1080P]

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Categories: BDSM / Pain / Femdom
Video, Description:, At, Valhalla, Chambers, Lady, Dark, Angel,, her, characteristic, blonde, locks, in, a, bunch,, her, hourglass, frame, all, in, black, with, her, classic, black, strap, mini, dress,, fishnets, and, thigh, high, boots, and, with, hands, on, hips, stares, down, at, her, slave, who, despite, the, presence, of, his, blue, hood, looks, petrified, in, the, presence, of, the, Lady, of, Valhalla., Striding, towards, her, slave,, in, a, flash, sweeping, past, the, eye, Lady, Dark, Angel, swings, her, right, boot, against, the, man's, cock, and, balls, causing, him, to, cry, out,, double, over, and, fall, to, the, ground., This, is, swiftly, followed, by, a, series, of, kicks, with, the, lady, telling, the, slave, he, is, to, be, punished, this, day, and, that, he, will, learn, not, to, mess, with, her., The, man, cowers, on, the, floor,, kneeling, with, his, hands, on, the, sofa, beginning, to, learn, what, disrespecting, his, mistress, entails , Despite, falling, and, scurrying, on, the, floor, the, slave, is, ordered, up, by, Lady, Dark, Angel, to, take, his, punishment,, the, kicks, coming, as, lady, Dark, Angel, steadies, his, head, with, her, gloved, hand, the, man, looking, at, her, fearful,, timid,, murmurring, uncontrollably., The, lady, not, wishing, to, listen, to, his, baseless, utterings, pushes, the, slave, aside., He, crawls, to, take, up, position,, kneeling, before, the, sofa, and, receives, further, kicks, from, the, lady, till, he, kneels, with, his, hands, on, the, wooden, floor., Lady, Dark, Angel, tramples, on, those, hands,, the, slave, feeling, the, full, weight, of, those, boots, on, his, hand, as, Lady, Dark, Angel, bounces, up, and, down, adding, pressure, on, those, hands. , The, slave, is, ordered, up, once, again,, encouraged, by, Lady, Dark, Angel's, boot., More, kicks, ensue, as, Lady, Dark, Angel, laughs, at, the, man's, predicament., He, is, admonished,, trampled, and, then, ordered, to, get, up, once, more., The, lady's, boot, awaits., That, right, boot, is, placed, across, the, man, again, as, Lady, Dark, Angel, towers, over, her, slave., The, lady, has, won, and, is, always, on, top.

Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1920x1080,, 24.0, FPS,, 15981, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 48.0, kHz,, 2, channels,, 195.159, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:08:27,
Size:, 976.91, MB

Lady Dark Angel Uk: Slave Sings The Blues Under The Lady'S Boots [FullHD 1080P]
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