Institute Of Discipline: My New Pet: A Bootlicker By Mistress Katharina [FullHD 1080P]

Institute Of Discipline: My New Pet: A Bootlicker By Mistress Katharina [FullHD 1080P]

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Categories: BDSM / Femdom
Video, Description:, Note:, There, are, a, few, moments, of, blur, (high, end, equipment, meets, clumsy, camera, slave)., , For, me, only, the, length, of, the, tongue, in, a, pet, is, of, interest., If, this, meets, my, requirements,, the, little, animal, gets, a, collar, and, a, leash,, that's, all, it's, entitled, to., And, that's, all, I, need, to, teach, him, obedience., , My, patent, leather, boots, should, shine, beautifully., This, requires, long,, even, tongue, strokes., Of, course,, this, brainless, cock-bearer, doesn't, understand, what, I'm, asking, of, him., Harsh, words,, slaps, in, the, face, and, being, guided, by, a, chain, made, him, understand, after, several, attempts., But, I, repeatedly, have, to, state, that, not, only, his, tongue, touches, my, noble, boots, but, inadmissibly, also, his, hairy, cheeks., After, appropriate, "stimuli",, he, functions, properly, again, and, I, allow, him, to, lick, the, soles, of, my, boots., And, he, can, even, suck, my, heels., He, drools, like, a, stupid, pig., So, I, dry, my, soles, on, him,, use, his, worthless, body, as, a, towel, for, my, precious, soles., After, that,, he's, allowed, on, my, balcony, for, the, night., , , Hinweis:, Es, gibt, einige, wenige, Momente, der, Unscharfe, (High, End, Equipment, trifft, trotteligen, Kamerasklaven), , Fur, mich, ist, nur, die, Zungenlange, bei, einem, Haustier, von, Interesse., Wenn, diese, meinen, Anspruchen, genugt,, bekommt, das, Tierchen, ein, Halsband, und, eine, Leine,, mehr, steht, ihm, nicht, zu., Und, mehr, brauche, ich, auch, nicht,, um, ihm, Gehorsam, beizubringen., , Meine, Lackstiefel, sollen, schon, glanzen., Dafur, bedarf, es, langer,, gleichmassiger, Zungenstriche., Naturlich, versteht, dieser, hirnlose, Schwanztrager, nicht,, was, ich, von, ihm, verlange., Harte, Worte,, Ohrfeigen, und, die, strickte, Fuhrung, per, Kette, machen, es, ihm, nach, mehreren, Anlaufen, verstandlich., Doch, muss, ich, wiederholt, feststellen,, dass, nicht, nur, seine, Zunge, meine, noblen, Stiefel, beruhrt,, sondern, unzulassigerweise, auch, seine, haarigen, Wangen., Nach, entsprechenden, "Anreizen",, funktioniert, er, wieder, richtig, und, ich, gewahre, ihm, meine, Stiefelsohlen, zu, lecken., Und, er, darf, sogar, meine, Absatze, lutschen., Er, sabbert, dabei, wie, ein, blodes, Schwein., Also, trockne, ich, meine, Sohlen, auf, ihm,, nutze, seinen, wertlosen, Korper, als, Handtuch, für, meine, edlen, Sohlen., Danach, darf, er, fur, díe, Nacht, auf, meinen, Balkon.

Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, h264,, 1920x1080,, 1.199, FPS,, 13402, kb/s,
Audio:, aac,, 44.1, kHz,, 2, channels,, 214.75, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:10:03,
Size:, 979.16, MB

Institute Of Discipline: My New Pet: A Bootlicker By Mistress Katharina [FullHD 1080P]
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