Nightmare In The Park [HD 720P]

Nightmare In The Park [HD 720P]

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Categories: BDSM / Bondage
Video, Description:, My, day, started, out, like, any, ordinary, day, getting, up, and, going, to, work., I, had, watched, the, news, that, morning, and, seen, that, it, was, going, to, be, beautiful, out., I, went, on, to, work, and, day, dreamed, about, going, to, the, beech, and, enjoying, myself.

It, was, lunch, time, and, thought, I, would, go, to, the, park, and, take, a, walk, hoping, it, would, make, me, feel, better., It, was, so, nice, there., Other, then, the, maintenance, man, there, was, no, one, around., Just, a, piece, full, walk, in, the, park., When, I, got, back, to, my, car, is, when, my, nightmare, began.

The, car, would, not, start, and, I, was, in, trouble, I, looked, to, see, what, might, be, wrong, and, couldn't, find, anything., I, tried, to, call, a, mechanic, friend, of, mine, with, no, help., So, I, thought, maybe, the, lawn, guy, might, be, able, to, help., When, I, went, to, ask, him, is, when, he, grabbed, me., I, was, so, scared, that, I, went, XXXX, from, fear., When, I, a, woke, I, was, disoriented., After, a, few, seconds, I, realized, I, was, in, the, truck, of, my, car., God, was, I, scared., It, was, so, hot, that, it, made, me, go, XXXX, again., The, next, time, I, a, woke, I, was, being, carried, into, a, strange, house, and, stuffed, into, a, closet, for, the, night.

The, next, morning, the, man, came, and, got, me., He, dragged, me, in, the, living, room, and, was, talking, about, making, a, delivery, but, wanted, to, have, fun, with, me, first., Come, to, find, out, the, maintenance, man, was, a, Sex, slave, smuggler., He, nabbed, women, for, an, over, seas, sex, trade, operation, and, I, was, the, delivery., He, tied, me, up, several, times, in, the, living, room, telling, me, I, had, better, get, use, to, it, because, where, you, are, going, the, guys, will, do, much, worse, this., After, a, while, of, that, it, was, time, for, him, to, delivery, me., He, picked, me, up, and, put, me, back, in, my, trunk, and, that, was, the, last, thing, I, remember., What, started, out, to, be, a, beautiful, day, became, my, worst, nightmare.

Quality:, HD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 720,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, AVC,, 1280x720,, 30.000, FPS,, 2017, kb/s,
Audio:, AAC, LC, ,, 48.0, kHz,, 2, channels,, 128, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:29:54,
Size:, 460, MB

Nightmare In The Park [HD 720P]
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