New Slut Submits to Bondage and Sex [HD 720P]

New Slut Submits to Bondage and Sex [HD 720P]

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Categories: BDSM / Bondage
Video, Description:, Raven, Lane, identifies, as, a, submissive,, so, Codey, jumos, straight, into, making, sure, she, is, up, to, par., She, is, led, in, by, a, chain, that, doubles, as, a, collar, and, leash,, and, put, through, her, paces, to, see, if, she, is, worthy, of, his, time., she, is, then, cuffed, and, fed, his, cock, as, a, reward, for, doing, well, so, far., next,, Raven, is, bent, over, in, a, doggy, position, with, her, neck, tied, to, her, ankle, to, hold, her, in, place,, and, a, spreader, bar, to, keep, her, ready, and, available., Her, ass, is, flogged, after, Codey, fucks, her, face, while, she, is, helpless, to, do, anything, about, it., He, moves, behind, her,, inspects, her, pussy, for, s, bit, and, begins, to, fuck, this, slut, into, submission., Raven, is, fucked, mercilessly, like, a, rag, doll, until, Codey, decides, he, wants, her, body, in, a, different, position., The, final, scene, takes, place, on, a, bondage, bed,, and, Raven's, arms, are, tied, to, her, legs, maintaining, her, helplessness., Codey, goes, to, work, fucking, her, and, eventually, adds, a, vibe, to, push, her, over, the, edge, with, non, stop, orgasms.

Quality:, HD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 720,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, AVC,, 1280x720,, 30.000, FPS,, 4982, kb/s,
Audio:, AAC, LC, ,, 44.1, kHz,, 2, channels,, 160, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:53:58,
Size:, 1.94, GB

New Slut Submits to Bondage and Sex [HD 720P]
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