Twisted, Bent and Tormented [HD 720P]

Twisted, Bent and Tormented [HD 720P]

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Categories: BDSM / Bondage
Video, Description:, Victoria, begins, her, day, in, a, brutal, back, bend, which, helps, set, the, pace, for, the, rest, of, the, day., Her, hands, and, feet, are, locked, into, steel, traps, while, her, body, is, bent, backwards, over, a, wooden, horse., This, makes, her, helpless, and, allows, The, Pope, to, have, his, way, with, her., He, explores, her, flesh, and, then, starts, to, add, clothespins, to, her, tits., His, flogger, meticulously, knocks, them, off, one, at, a, time,, and, then, he, assaults, her, with, non, stop, flogging., Next, orgasms, are, ripped, form, her, body, until, she, is, given, a, break, before, the, next, position., The, second, position, is, quite, the, predicament, that, has, Victoria's, neck, locked, into, steel, trap,, her, legs, bound, in, steel, shackles,, and, she, is, made, to, hold, herself, up, to, avoid, choking., The, Pope, gets, to, work, on, some, bastinado,, and, then, covers, her, ass, and, legs, with, heavy, impact, marks, from, the, crop., He, sneaks, in, a, little, nipple, torment, as, well,, just, to, push, Victoria, a, little, closer, to, the, edge., In, the, final, scene,, Victoria, is, locked, into, a, device, that, holds, her, in, place, on, her, back, with, her, hands, and, feet, up, in, the, air., The, Pope, introduces, a, plethora, of, electrical, devices, to, torment, Victoria, with,, and, she, shows, signs, of, fear, and, nervousness, almost, instantly., "I'm, not, shaking,, you're, shaking", she, says, as, she, vibrates, uncontrollably, from, the, fear., He, begins, with, the, zapper,, and, works, all, the, way, up, to, the, meanest, cattle, prod, he, has, in, his, arsenal., Victoria, takes, everything, like, the, masochistic, slut, that's, she, is,, which, is, in, stride, and, begging, for, more., He, makes, her, cum, several, more, times, before, administering, a, little, breath, control, to, seal, the, deal,, and, send, Victoria, a, happy, slut.

Quality:, HD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 720,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, AVC,, 1280x720,, 30.000, FPS,, 4997, kb/s,
Audio:, AAC, LC, ,, 44.1, kHz,, 2, channels,, 160, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:51:15,
Size:, 1.85, GB

Twisted, Bent and Tormented [HD 720P]
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