Houston We Have A Problem [FullHD 1080P]

Houston We Have A Problem [FullHD 1080P]

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Categories: BDSM
Video, Description:, Pandora, Blake, has, a, long,, hard...wait, outside, the, strapping, room, today,, with, plenty, of, opportunity, to, reflect, on, the, agonising, judicial, punishment, they, have, coming, to, them.
It's, 1960s, Texas, and, the, Space, Race, is, in, full, swing, -, a, liberating, and, exciting, time, for, many, of, NASA's, women,, including, one, Mrs., Blake, from, England, whose, mathematical, genius, and, unimpeachable, Oxbridge, qualifications, have, had, her, shipped, over, to, work, away, from, home, for, a, few, years., Of, course,, the, Apollo, Project, wasn't, the, only, thing, the, state, of, Texas, was, known, for, at, that, time., It, also, gave, us, the, infamous, Texas, Prison, Strap,, so, often, doled, out, to, women, for, various, misdemeanours, alongside, or, in, lieu, of, a, prison, sentence., Our, heroine, thought, herself, immune,, of, course., Protected, by, NASA,, by, her, work, visa,, by, her, own, good, behaviour., Well,, maybe, she, was, having, an, affair, with, a, married, man., But, adultery, isn't, illegal, any, more!, This, is, the, 60s!, Illegal, or, not,, it's, enough, to, get, you, horribly, framed, if, you, happen, to, pick, the, wrong, partner., And, that's, how, she's, found, herself, here:, stripped, down, to, her, underwear, and, waiting, on, a, hard,, cold, wooden, bench, outside, the, public, auditorium, of, a, Ladies', Penitentiary., The, strapping,, when, it, comes, -, and, she, dwells, on, it, in, fascinated, horror,, bent, over, the, bench, as, she, waits,, toying, with, the, thick, leather, of, the, strap, -, will, be, almost, impossibly, severe,, a, hundred, strokes, over, flimsy, underwear, and, another, hundred, on, the, bare.
Will, she, be, able, to, take, it?, Will, the, anticipation, itself, simply, make, it, worse?, And, how, will, her, husband, -, the, headmaster, of, a, girls, boarding, school,, and, known, himself, for, his, prowess, with, a, cane, -, react, when, she's, sent, home, in, such, disgrace?
Pandora, Blake,, dreamsofspanking

Quality:, FullHD ,
Type, SiteRip:, 1080,
Format:, mp4,
Video:, AVC,, 1920x1080,, 50.000, FPS,, 5270, kb/s,
Audio:, AAC, LC, ,, 48.0, kHz,, 2, channels,, 192, kb/s,
Duration:, 00:17:56,
Size:, 703, MB

Houston We Have A Problem [FullHD 1080P]
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